Our kaupapa is all about serving our people. We are passionate about normalising te reo Māori and making it accessible for all people, and our business is built and operated on values such as aroha, manaakitanga, kaitiakitanga and whakawhanaungatanga. We are a proud whānau owned business, and we would love the opportunity to serve you some of our delicious kai at Fush!
In te ao Māori, everything goes in pairs. Mana and manaakitanga cannot exist without each other, and they need to be understood together, because they each compliment each other.
Mana is something that we all want, as individuals, as iwi and as businesses. Our leaders and chiefs all hold tremendous amounts of mana, and those who have mana get things that others don’t. So if mana is all about what you get, then manaakitanga is all about what you give.
Here at Fush, we understand that earning mana starts with giving great manaakitanga. In order to get more, first we must give more. Mana is earned through exceptional manaakitanga, given consistently, without any expectation of reciprocity.
So everything we do is focussed on creating the best experiences we can for our manuhiri and our community. We know that if our manaakitanga is second to none, then our people will recognise Fush as a business worthy of holding mana. But with great mana comes great responsibility, and that responsibility is to deliver outstanding service, incredible generosity and excellent manaakitanga every single day.
For us at Fush, kaitiakitanga is all about the future. At the heart of kaitiakitanga, is the idea that the decisions we make today will better serve our future generations and that we promise to do all that we can to leave this world in a better condition than the way we found it.
So, we do our bit by ensuring that all of our takeaway packaging and kai is sourced from suppliers who value kaitiakitanga as much as we do.
That means you can throw your takeaway packaging straight in the green bin and it will break down naturally within 8 weeks. And in case you’re wondering, every single piece of ika (fish) we serve, is line caught!
From a culture and language standpoint, being a good kaitiaki means we are creating opportunities for our reo and culture to thrive, and for our people to create wealth, so that we can build on the legacy of those who have gone before us.